NSIA International Committee

Prof. Dr. Florentin Smarandache, Postdoc, Mathematics, Physical and Natural Sciences Division, University of New Mexico, Gallup Campus, NM 87301, USA, Email: smarand@unm.edu.
Prof. Dr. Huda E. Khalid, The Administration Assistant for the President of the Telafer University, Telafer University, Nineveh Province, Iraq, Email: dr.huda-ismael@uotelafer.edu.iq.
Prof. Dr. Xiaohong Zhang, Department of Mathematics, Shaanxi University of Science &Technology, Xian 710021,
Willem K. M. Brauers, Faculty of Applied Economics, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, Email: willem.brauers@uantwerpen.be.
M. Ganster, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, Email: ganster@weyl.math.tu-graz.ac.at.
Ignacio J. Navarro, Department of Construction Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València, 46022 València, Spain, Email:  ignamar1@cam.upv.es.
Giorgio Nordo, MIFT – Department of Mathematical and Computer Science, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences, Messina University, Italy,
Email: giorgio.nordo@unime.it.
Prof. Dr. W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, School of Computer Science and Engineering, VIT, Vellore 632014, India, Email: vasantha.wb@vit.ac.in.
Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Baset, Head of Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computers and Informatics, Zagazig University, Egypt, Email: mohamedbasset@ieee.org.
Dr. Said Broumi, Laboratory of Information Processing, Faculty of Science Ben M’Sik, University of Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco, Email: s.broumi@flbenmsik.ma.
Jean Dezert, ONERA, Chemin de la Huniere, 91120 Palaiseau, France, Email: jean.dezert@onera.fr.
Francisco Chiclana, School of Computer Science and Informatics, De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH, United Kingdom, Email: chiclana@dmu.ac.uk.

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