Divine Three-Quarters Paradoxes


          Three-Quarters Paradox of Freedom of Speech & Religion (I):

     As a freedom of speech do we have the right to insult religion?
If not, then we don't have freedom of speech. 
If yes, i. e. we have the right to insult religion, then we don't 
respect the freedom of faith.
     Devine Three-Quarters Paradox (II):
     Can God prove He can commit suicide?
If not, then it appears that there is something God cannot
do, therefore God is not omnipotent.
If God can prove He can commit suicide, then God dies - because He has to
prove it, therefore God is not immortal.
     Divine Three-Quarters Paradox (III):
     Can God prove He can be atheist, governed by scientific laws?
If God cannot, then again He's not omnipotent. 
If God can prove He can be atheist, then God doesn't believe in 
Himself, therefore why should we believe in Him?
Devine Three-Quarters Paradox (IV): 
Can God prove He can do bad things? 
  a) If He cannot, then He is not omnipotent, therefore He is not God. 
  b) If He can prove He can do bad things, again He's not God, because He 
doesn't suppose to do bad things. 
        Divine Three-Quarters Paradox (V): 
Can God create a man who is stronger than him? 
a)      If not, then God is not omnipotent, therefore He is not God. 
b)      If yes, i. e. He can create someone who is stronger than Him, then
God is not God any longer since such creation is not supposed to be possible,
God should always be the strongest. 
{God was egocentric because he didn’t create beings stronger than Him.} 
Divine Three-Quarters Paradox (VI): 
Can God transform Himself in his opposite, the Devil? 
 a) If not, then God is not omnipotent, therefore He is not God. 
b)  If yes, then God is not God anymore since He has a dark side: the possibility 
of transforming Himself into the Devil [God doesn't suppose to be able to do that].