Managing Contradictions in Software Engineering Investigations using the Neutrosophic IADOV Method


  • Vladimir Vega Falcón University of Regional Autónoma de Los Andes. UNIANDES
  • John Luis Toasa Espinoza University of Regional Autónoma de Los Andes. UNIANDES
  • Andrés Roberto León Yacelga University of Regional Autónoma de Los Andes. UNIANDES
  • Luis Orlando Albarracín Zambrano University of Regional Autónoma de Los Andes. UNIANDES


Research in software engineering, research processe, , IADOV neutrosophic


Software Engineering is a profession of a technological nature, which takes up theories and knowledge from various
sources and addresses the development of quality software at an industrial level. Software Engineering builds knowledge around
these software development practices, concretized in the definition of methods, models, and operating schemes that engineers
can apply in their professional activities. However, research processes in Software Engineering lack sufficient clarity, mainly
due to the level of maturity reached in this discipline. This element hinders the ability of novice researchers to design their
research strategies or to recognize the research of excellence. The study is focused on evaluating the consensus and acceptance
of the experts on the integration of software engineering sciences and the investigations carried out with the elements that make
it up through the IADOV neutrosophic study.


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How to Cite

Vega Falcón, V. ., Toasa Espinoza, J. L. ., León Yacelga, A. R. ., & Albarracín Zambrano, L. O. . (2021). Managing Contradictions in Software Engineering Investigations using the Neutrosophic IADOV Method. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 44, 100-107.

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