Pauli Exclusion Principle and the Law of Included Multiple-Middle


  • Fu Yuhua CNOOC Research Institute, No.6, Dongzhimenwaixiaojie Street, Beijing, 100027, China


Neutrosophy, Law of Included Multiple-Middle, exclusion principle, error, law of conservation of energy, man created law (man-made law), man-made (instantaneous) magnetic monopole


It has been found that bosons are not subject to the Pauli Exclusion Principle. This paper argues that in some cases the exclusion principle is also invalid for fermions. According to the Law of Included Multiple Middle and the like, the 4 neutralities between Pauli Exclusion Principle's validity and invalidity are as follows: first, according to Neutrosophy, any proposition has three situations of truth, falsehood and indeterminacy respectively; second, some scholars have pointed out that the exclusion principle may be broken in highenergy state; third, due to the existance of man created law (man-made law), the broken exclusion principle and the man-made (instantaneous) magnetic monopole can be artificially created; fourth, the exclusion principle is not compatible with law of conservation of energy, and in physics the principles that are not compatible with law of conservation of energy will be invalid in some cases.


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SI#1,2024: Neutrosophical Advancements And Their Impact on Research

How to Cite

Yuhua, F. (2014). Pauli Exclusion Principle and the Law of Included Multiple-Middle. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 6, 3-5.