Neutrosophic multi-criteria method to determine the effectiveness of consumer protection legislation in Ecuador


  • Esther Maricela Coello Avilés Autonomous Regional University of the Andes, Babahoyo. Ecuador
  • Katherine Tatiana Troya Terranova Autonomous Regional University of the Andes, Babahoyo. Ecuador
  • Eduardo Ángel Bedón Troya Autonomous Regional University of the Andes, Babahoyo. Ecuador


multicriteria neutrosophic method, determine the effectiveness of legislation, consumer protection


The present research proposes a multi-criteria neurosophic method to determine the effectiveness of consumer protection legislation in Ecuador. A descriptive, observational, cross-sectional methodology is applied. The results achieved allow us to analyze how the laws and regulations implemented in the country have not yet managed to safeguard the rights of consumers and guarantee their well-being in the market. At the same time, it begins by presenting the current context of consumer protection in Ecuador, highlighting the importance of solid legislation in the defense of consumer rights and the promotion of fair and equitable commercial relations.



How to Cite

Neutrosophic multi-criteria method to determine the effectiveness of consumer protection legislation in Ecuador. (2023). Revista Asociación Latinoamericana De Ciencias Neutrosóficas. ISSN 2574-1101, 29, 65-72.