Neutrosophic Fuzzy X-Sub algebra of Near-Subtraction Semigroups


  • J.Siva Ranjini Research Scholar(Reg No.19222012092003) Department of Mathematics, A. P. C. Mahalaxmi College for Women Thoothukudi-628002, Tamilnadu, India.Affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli-627012, TamilNadu, India
  • V. Mahalakshmi Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, A. P. C. Mahalaxmi College for Women Thoothukudi-628002, Tamilnadu, India


Near subtraction Semigroup, Fuzzy Sub algebra , Fuzzy X-sub algebra, Neutrosophic Fuzzy Sub algebra, Neutrosophic Fuzzy X-sub algebra


Neutrosophy fuzzy set is the extended research version of the fuzzy set that deals with imprecise and indeterminate data Neutrosophic deals with the membership, non-membership and indeterminacy function. Neutrosophy have achieved in various fields such as medical diagnosis, decision making problems, image processing etc.,The motivation of the present article is to extend the concept of Neutrosophic fuzzy X-subalgebra in near-subtraction semigroups. We will discuss along with some fundamentals and their algebraic Properties.


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How to Cite

Ranjini, J. ., & Mahalakshmi, V. . (2022). Neutrosophic Fuzzy X-Sub algebra of Near-Subtraction Semigroups. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 50, 178-187.