Novel Single Valued Neutrosophic Prioritized Aczel Alsina Aggregation Operators and Their Applications in MultiAttribute Decision Making
The Multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) approaches are utilized to aggregate
ambiguous and imprecise information based on different aggregation operators (AOs). The aim of
this article is to explore the notion of single-valued neutrosophic (SVN) set (SVNS), wich is the
modified structure of an intuitionistic fuzzy sets and picture fuzzy sets. Some appropriate
operations of Aczel Alsina tools under the system of SVN information are also presented. By using
the theory of prioritization aggregation model, we developed a class of new approaches including
SVN Aczel Alsina prioritized average (SVNAAPA) and SVN Aczel Alsina prioritized geometric
(SVNAAPG) operators. We also presented a series of new methodologies in the light of SVN
information such as SVN Aczel Alsina prioritized weighted average (SVNAAPWA), and SVN Aczel
Alsina prioritized weighted geometric (SVNAAPWG) operators. To verify discussed aggregation
approaches, we also presented some notabe characteristics. We established a MADM technique to
solve complexities and difficulties during decision-making in our real-life problems. By utilizing a
practical numerical example to select an appropriate research scientist for the vacant post of a public
university. To find the validity and flexibility of our invented approaches, sensitive analysis, and
comparative study by comparing the results of existing approaches with currently proposed
aggregation techniques

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