Integration of Fuzzy Set Theory and Neutrosophic Sets for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis in Inclusive Service to Native Communities of Ucayali


  • Teófilo Meza Taipe National University of the Amazon of Peru. Peru
  • Jacobo Romero Quispe National University of San Marcos, Peru
  • Eladio Guzmán Villa National University of the Amazon of Peru. Peru
  • Patricio Aparicio Santiago Saturnino Federico Villarreal National University. Peru
  • Edwin Collazos Paucar Federico Villarreal National University. Peru
  • Adrian Alejandro Flores Konja National University of San Marcos. Peru


Native Communities, Set Theoretical Methods, SQA, Fsqca, Neutrosophic Sets, Public Records


This research focuses on the examination of public records and their potential to deliver inclusive service to the native populations of Ucayali, a key difficulty in the administration of public services in varied and culturally rich areas. The study tackles a gap in the current literature, where standard techniques do not effectively examine how transparency and sufficiency of services influence inclusive service quality. Using methodologies based on neutrosophic set theory, the research presents a novel way to examine the efficacy and accessibility of public registry services in a particular cultural setting. The findings reveal that the combination of Management Transparency (TG) and Service Adequacy (ADS) has a considerable beneficial influence on Inclusive Service Quality (CSI). This research underlines the necessity of tackling both aspects concurrently to enhance service quality. The contribution of the study is twofold: first, it advances theoretical knowledge by integrating advanced methods for evaluating public services in multicultural contexts; Second, it provides concrete practical recommendations, such as administrative simplification, cultural training of staff, and infrastructure improvement, that can be implemented to make public registry services more accessible and effective for the native communities of Ucayali.


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How to Cite

Teófilo Meza Taipe, Jacobo Romero Quispe, Eladio Guzmán Villa, Patricio Aparicio Santiago Saturnino, Edwin Collazos Paucar, & Adrian Alejandro Flores Konja. (2024). Integration of Fuzzy Set Theory and Neutrosophic Sets for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis in Inclusive Service to Native Communities of Ucayali . Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 74, 109-118.

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