Validation of the burden of proof reversal on the inexistence of untimely dismissal by using neutrosophic IADOV technique


  • Wilson Alfredo Cacpata Calle Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes - Extension Santo Domingo, Ecuador
  • Antonella Stefanía Gil Betancourt Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes - Extension Santo Domingo, Ecuador
  • Nicole Jazmín Enríquez Guanga Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes - Extensión Santo Domingo, Ecuador
  • Katherine Trinidad Castillo Núñez Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes - Extensión Santo Domingo, Ecuador


Labor Law, untimely dismissal, burden of proof, labor conflict, IADOV method, neutrosophic logic


This paper aims to validate the reversal of the burden of proof regarding the non-existence of untimely dismissal, given that in the workplace the worker is considered the weakest part of the labor relationship and untimely dismissal is a social problem in Ecuador, for which compensation has been determined in legal regulations, provided that it has been voluntarily recognized or proven in a legal process, with the plaintiff (ex-worker) being the party obliged to prove such assertion, which is complicated by the circumstances in which a dismissal is made. Theoretical and empirical methods were used to obtain results that revealed the most frequent causes of the problem under study. To support the validation, survey instruments were applied that evaluated by means of a methodology, which integrates the IADOV method and the neutrosophic logic, the transcendence of the reversal of the burden of proof on the non-existence of untimely dismissal in Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Cacpata Calle, W. A. ., Gil Betancourt, A. S. ., Enríquez Guanga, N. J. ., & Castillo Núñez, K. T. . (2019). Validation of the burden of proof reversal on the inexistence of untimely dismissal by using neutrosophic IADOV technique. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 26, 35-40.