A neutrosophic folding on a neutrosophic fundamental group


  • M. Abu-Saleem Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Al-Balqa Applied University


Manifold, Neutrosophic folding, Neutrosophic fundamental group


In this paper, we create a new type of fundamental group called the neutrosophic fundamental group. We obtain some kinds of conditional foldings that are confined to the elements of the neutrosophic fundamental groups. Also, we deduce the limit foldings of a neutrosophic fundamental group. We present the
variant and invariant of the neutrosophic fundamental group under the folding of the neutrosophic manifold into itself. We show that the neutrosophic fundamental group at the ending limits of neutrosophic foldings on the n-dimensional neutrosophic manifold into itself is the neutrosophic identity group


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How to Cite

Abu-Saleem, M. . (2021). A neutrosophic folding on a neutrosophic fundamental group. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 46, 290-299. https://fs.unm.edu/nss8/index.php/111/article/view/1960