Impacts of the adoption of teleworking by university professors during the COVID-19 health emergency


  • Eduardo Andrés Guzmán Barquet University of Guayaquil, Guayaquil - Ecuador
  • María Belén Salazar Raymond Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil - Ecuador
  • Daniel Eduardo Guevara Sánchez Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, CENTRUM


telework, impact, TOPSIS, DEMATEL, neutrosophic, professor, university


The objective of this research was to identify the main impacts of the adoption of teleworking by university professors during the COVID-19 health emergency, as a mandatory work modality for the continuation of the teaching-learning process of higher education in Ecuador. With this objective, surveys were used as a primary information collection method, as well as multi-criteria decision methods to determine the elements with the greatest impact. The insights derived from neutrosophy were applied to eliminate the indeterminacies inherent in decision-making in real-world problems. Among the greatest dissatisfactions detected are poor time management, high personal economic investment to acquire the necessary means to carry out teleworking, high levels of work stress and the increase in unfavorable medical conditions associated with it, as well as the conflict between work life and family life for the teacher. Multi-criteria decision methods were applied to support the selection of solutions to complex problems. An action plan was elaborated in accordance with the main deficiencies found according to the methods as well as a system of priorities according to the causal relationships between the elements evaluated. Multi-criteria decision methods were applied to support the selection of solutions to complex problems.


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How to Cite

Guzmán Barquet , E. A. ., Salazar Raymond , M. B. ., & Guevara Sánchez , D. E. . (2021). Impacts of the adoption of teleworking by university professors during the COVID-19 health emergency. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 47, 644-652.