Neutrosophic sociodemographic diagnosis of street vending in zone 8 of Ecuador


  • Stephanie Marcela Delgado Estrada University of Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Rosa Ines Carrasco Reyes University of Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Jorge Luis Chabusa Vargas University of Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Mauricio Vicente Villacreses Cobo University of Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Janeth del Consuelo Bonilla Freire University of Guayaquil, Ecuador


street vending, sociodemographic diagnosis, Neutrosophy


Street vending is both a social problem and an economic alternative in Ecuador today and for its control, it requires political, social, and economic regulations. That is why it is necessary to start the analysis of the problem with the characterization of the population linked to the activity. It is intended that once the data is obtained, a deep and accurate diagnosis can be initiated for the development of the necessary regulations. The research presented includes a sociodemographic study in zone 8 related to street vending. Its development is based on techniques of a neutrosophic nature (Neutrosophic Cognitive Map and TOPSIS) cognizance this science is suitable for the analysis of social phenomena. We obtained as the proposal of solutions the possible course of action.


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How to Cite

Delgado Estrada, S. M. ., Carrasco Reyes, R. I. ., Chabusa Vargas, J. L. ., Villacreses Cobo, M. V. ., & Bonilla Freire, J. del C. . (2021). Neutrosophic sociodemographic diagnosis of street vending in zone 8 of Ecuador. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 47, 653-661.