Evaluation the sustainability of rice production systems under different conditions of infestation with M. graminicola.
sustainability, rice production systems, M. graminicola, neutrosophic statistics, neutrosophic sample sizeAbstract
The objective was to evaluate the sustainability of rice production systems under different conditions of infestation with M. graminicola, to determine population levels based on soil and root sampling following established protocols. They were evaluated in the Babahoyo and Quevedo cantons, both located in the Los RÃos Province; Coastal Region. Data were obtained through surveys, interviews, workshops, field day and direct field observations. The survey included 26 questions aimed at obtaining socio-cultural, economic and ecological information. The sample size is calculated using a neutrosophic statistic approach to deal with interval data. The survey population consisted of professionals, representatives of rice associations, small-scale rice producers and others. Based on the results obtained for sustainability in the two evaluated rice localities of Babahoyo and Quevedo, applying the already established formula, they reach a (ISGen) of 1.71 Babahoyo and 1.54 Quevedo are not considered sustainable, this because in both localities, there are dimensions that present values lower than 2, To consider a farm as sustainable, the General Sustainability Index must be higher than 2 and, also; none of the three evaluated dimensions must have a value lower than 2. This is due to the lack of diversification for sales, low yields, few marketing channels, lack of sources of financing, low vegetation cover and negligible crop diversification, showing that two production systems are not sustainable for the conditions under which the sustainability evaluation was carried out.

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