Direct and Semi-Direct Product of Neutrosophic Extended Triplet Group


  • Moges Mekonnen Shalla Department of Mathematics, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep 27310, Turkey
  • Necati Olgun Department of Mathematics, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep 27310, Turkey


NET direct product, NET internal direct product, NET external direct product, NET semi-directproduct, NET internal semi-direct product, NET external semi-direct product


The object of thisarticleismainlyto discuss the notion ofneutrosophic extended tripletdirect product(NETDP)and neutrosophicextended triplet semi-direct product(NETS-DP)of NET group. The purposeis to give aclear introduction that allows a solid foundation for additionalstudies into the field. We introduce neutrosophic extended tripletinternaldirect product (NETIDP)and neutrosophic extended triplet externaldirect products(NETEDP)of NET group. Then, we define NET internal and external semi-direct products for NET group by utilizing the notion of NET set theory of Smarandache.Moreover, some results related to NETDP and NETS-DPsare obtained.


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How to Cite

Mekonnen Shalla, M. ., & Olgun, N. . (2019). Direct and Semi-Direct Product of Neutrosophic Extended Triplet Group. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 29, 197-214.