Neutrosophic Entropy Based Fluoride Contamination Indices for Community Health Risk Assessment from Groundwater of Kangra County, North India
Fuzzy Entropy, Neutrosophic Entropy, Cross Entropy, Fluoride, Ground Water, Community healthAbstract
The underlying study intends to evaluate community health risk assessment from fluoride contamination of groundwater samples employing the proposed entropy variants of single valued neutrosophic sets. The symmetric fuzzy cross entropy numbers, which can represent the macroscopic view of fluoride contamination more effectively, are constructed in this study and then deployed to rank the seasonal parameters (pre-monsoon, rainy season and pre-monsoon) responsible for fluoride contamination in the study area. To quantify the non-linear relationship between seasonal parameters and sampling spots, the proposed neutrosophic entropy variants are fascinated for assigning weights to the monitored concentration reading of each seasonal parameter
with respect to various sampling spots. Thereafter, these weights are coupled with the quality rating scale of each parameter, intended to establish new fuzzy and single valued neutrosophic entropy weighted fluoride contamination indices (FEFCI & NEFCI) respectively. The maximum (or minimum) FEFCI or NEFCI score at a particular sampling spot is designated to the “most (or least) contaminated†sampling spot accordingly.The underlying fluoride contaminated sampling spot identification methodology is efficacious for providing a better insight in assessing the community health risk from ground water of the study area.

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