Incidences of Exploratory Research in Postgraduate University Studies: A Neutrosophic Statistic Approach


  • Gustavo Álvarez Gómez University of Regional Autónoma de Los Andes. UNIANDES
  • Miriam Janneth Pantoja Burbano University of Regional Autónoma de Los Andes. UNIANDES
  • Miryan Janeth Arévalo Haro University of Regional Autónoma de Los Andes. UNIANDES
  • Aurelia María Cleonares Borbor University of Regional Autónoma de Los Andes. UNIANDES
  • Rodolfo González Ortega Feevale University, University of Holguín - Vila Nova, Novo Hamburgo Brazil.


exploratory investigation, neutrosophic statistics


Exploratory research corresponds to the first approach of investigative work. This type of research is very useful by
allowing researchers to have a first approach or a first idea about the subject to study and will be of great help to become
familiar with the method, but without providing conclusive results. It is usually carried out when the problem is in a preliminary
phase. It is a process of collecting basic information on a problem that is not clearly defined. It is a very flexible techni que,
which implies that the researcher is willing to take risks, be patient and receptive. This work aims to define the level of incidence
that exploratory research has in university and postgraduate studies and to visualize the level of indeterminacy presented by
preliminary research. The use of combined method approaches for precision and baseline for exploratory research is handled.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Gómez, G. ., Pantoja Burbano, M. J. ., Arévalo Haro, M. J. ., Cleonares Borbor, A. M. ., & González Ortega, R. . (2021). Incidences of Exploratory Research in Postgraduate University Studies: A Neutrosophic Statistic Approach. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 44, 115-124.

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