Selection of Criteria for the Prioritization of Information Technology Services in a Neutrosophic Environment


  • Luis Javier Molina Chalacan University of Regional Autónoma de Los Andes. UNIANDES
  • Marco Antonio Checa Cabrera University of Regional Autónoma de Los Andes. UNIANDES
  • Luz Marina Aguirre Paz
  • Robert Vinicio Lalama Flores University of Regional Autónoma de Los Andes. UNIANDES
  • Arlen Martín Rabelo Exxis, Avda. Aviadores del Chaco N° 1669 c/ San Martin; Edif. Aymac I, 4to. piso, Asunción, Paraguay


information technology, services, selection criteria,, neutrosophic AHP, Pareto


Nowadays, the provision of quality service should be the main goal of service companies. Those that provide
information technology services have a greater challenge since technology is rapidly updating and pleasing customers in an
enjoyable way is essential. The selection of certain criteria that allow prioritizing which client an information technology service
is provided to, allows optimizing the working time of developers and technicians depending on the type of service demanded.
Therefore, the objective of this work is to determine what criteria are necessary to develop software that allows prioritizing
information technology services. We applied the Saaty AHP multicriteria method from the neutrosophic perspective by selecting
the criteria from a Pareto Diagram.


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How to Cite

Molina Chalacan, L. J. ., Checa Cabrera, M. A. ., Aguirre Paz, L. M. ., Lalama Flores, R. V. ., & Martín Rabelo, A. . (2021). Selection of Criteria for the Prioritization of Information Technology Services in a Neutrosophic Environment. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 44, 378-387.