Neutrosophic Analysis of Ethics in a Supply Chain


  • Gustavo Alvarez Gómez Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, Ambato. Ecuador.
  • Corona Gómez Armijos Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, Ambato. Ecuador.
  • Ariel José Romero Fernández Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, Ambato. Ecuador.
  • Adonis Ricardo Rosales García Asociación Iberoamericana de Scrum (AIBES), Quebec, Canada.


business ethics, supply chain, SWOT analysis, neutrosophic AHP


The present study aimed to conduct a neutrosophic analysis of internal and external ethical factors affecting the supply 
chain of a painting company in the city of Quito. To achieve this, the SWOT method was applied, coupled with the neutrosophic 
AHP method for prioritizing and weighting the most influential factors. The results obtained allowed for the identification of the 
factors that had the greatest impact on the system, as per the opinions of the consulted experts. The combination of the neutro
sophic AHP and SWOT analysis methods has proven to be a powerful tool for addressing ethical challenges in business decision
making, and the results obtained can serve as a guide for implementing effective ethical strategies in the supply chain.


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How to Cite

Gustavo Alvarez Gómez, Corona Gómez Armijos, Ariel José Romero Fernández, & Adonis Ricardo Rosales García. (2023). Neutrosophic Analysis of Ethics in a Supply Chain. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 62, 303-310.