A novel method for single-valued neutrosophic multi-criteria decision making with incomplete weight information
A single-valued neutrosophic set (SVNS) and an interval
neutrosophic set (INS) are two instances of a neutrosophic set, which can efficiently deal with uncertain, imprecise, incomplete, and inconsistent information. In this
paper, we develop a novel method for solving singlevalued neutrosophic multi-criteria decision making with
incomplete weight information, in which the criterion
values are given in the form of single-valued neutrosophic sets (SVNSs), and the information about criterion
weights is incompletely known or completely unknown.
The developed method consists of two stages. The first
stage is to use the maximizing deviation method to establish an optimization model, which derives the optimal
weights of criteria under single-valued neutrosophic environments. After obtaining the weights of criteria
through the above stage, the second stage is to develop a
single-valued neutrosophic TOPSIS (SVNTOPSIS)
method to determine a solution with the shortest distance
to the single-valued neutrosophic positive ideal solution
(SVNPIS) and the greatest distance from the singlevalued neutrosophic negative ideal solution (SVNNIS).
Moreover, a best global supplier selection problem is
used to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the
developed method. Finally, the extended results in interval neutrosophic situations are pointed out and a comparison analysis with the other methods is given to illustrate
the advantages of the developed methods.
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