Analysis of an strategic plan to increase the sales level of the company "TIENS" of Babahoyo using neutrosophic methods


  • Miguel Francisco Galarza Villalba
  • Roberto Aguas Pután
  • Jéssica Mora Romero
  • José Euclides Espín Oviedo


 In the world, natural medicine is increasingly appreciated as a complement to conventional medicine that treats
diseases with industrially produced drugs. Natural medicine is cheaper, more accessible than the other one; it usually has fewer
contraindications and also carries empirical and traditional knowledge. In Ecuador it is a very popular alternative for the
population. “TIENS” Company produces natural medicines, which has been facing the difficulty that its sales are appreciably
decreasing. That is why the company performs an analysis to increase the sale levels of produced medicines. To perform the
evaluation of the alternatives, the neutrosophic AHP-SWOT method is used. This method allows studying the Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of the company, which in its original form does not allow quantifications, that is why
the AHP technique is incorporated to evaluate pair-wise comparisons of criteria. In the neutrosophic framework, AHP-SWOT
takes into account the indeterminacy that exists in decision making processes.


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How to Cite

Miguel Francisco Galarza Villalba, Roberto Aguas Pután, Jéssica Mora Romero, & José Euclides Espín Oviedo. (2020). Analysis of an strategic plan to increase the sales level of the company "TIENS" of Babahoyo using neutrosophic methods. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 34, 183-192.