Generalized Hamming Similarity Measure Based on Neutrosophic Quadruple Numbers and Its Applications to Law Sciences


  • Abdullah Kargın
  • Azize Dayan
  • Necmiye Merve Şahin


Neutrosophic quadruple numbers are the newest field studied in neutrosophy. Neutrosophic
quadruple numbers, using the certain extent known data of an object or an idea, help us uncover their known
part and moreover they allow us to evaluate the unknown part by the trueness, indeterminacy and falsity values.
In this study, we generalized Hamming similarity measures for the generalized set-valued neutrosophic
quadruple sets and numbers. We showed that generalized Hamming measure satisfies the similarity measure
condition. Also, we generalized an algorithm for the generalized set-valued neutrosophic quadruple sets and
numbers, we gave a multi-criteria decision making application for using the this generalized algorithm. In this
application, we examined which of the laws established in different situations were more efficient. Furthermore,
we obtained different result compared to previous algorithm and previous similarity measure based on singlevalued neutrosophic numbers. Therefore, we have shown that generalized set-valued neutrosophic quadruplet
sets and numbers, a new field of neutrosophic theory, are more useful for decision-making problems in law
science and more precise results are obtained. The application in this study can be developed and used in
decision-making applications for law science and other sciences


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How to Cite

Abdullah Kargın, Azize Dayan, & Necmiye Merve Şahin. (2021). Generalized Hamming Similarity Measure Based on Neutrosophic Quadruple Numbers and Its Applications to Law Sciences. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 40, 45-67.