Complex Neutrosophic Matrix with Some Algebraic Operations and Matrix Norm Convergence


  • Mahima Poonia Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat
  • Rakesh Kumar Bajaj Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat


Complex neutrosophic matrix, Complex neutrosophic set, Matrix Norm, Convergence, Matrix operations


 In this article, a new concept of the Complex Neutrosophic Matrix is introduced 
to solve different problems related to uncertainties. Based on the proposed matrix, we 
have provided various algebraic operations like addition, subtraction, union many others 
which will be of great help in estabalishing the fundamental concepts. The results 
obtained through the above operations will be consequently utilized in solving the 
higher-dimensional problems due to their matrix properties. This novel concept lays the 
foundation of various research solutions in the field of the complex neutrosophic matrix, 
which are yet to be considered by researchers.The matrix norm convergence of the 
proposed matrix has also beenstudied for the necessary foundation of the complex 
neutrosophic matrix. Also, the future studies of the proposed concept have been 


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How to Cite

Mahima Poonia, & Rakesh Kumar Bajaj. (2021). Complex Neutrosophic Matrix with Some Algebraic Operations and Matrix Norm Convergence. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 47, 165-178.