On Neutrosophic -Continuous Functions, Neutrosophic -Open (Closed) Functions in Neutrosophic Topological Spaces


  • N. Kalaivani Department of Mathematics, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R & D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, TamilNadu, India
  • K. Fayaz Ur Rahman Department of Mathematics, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R & D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, TamilNadu, India
  • E. Chandrasekaran Department of Mathematics, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R & D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, TamilNadu, India;


neutrosophic -open set (closed set), neutrosophic neutrosophic -continuous function, neutrosophic -open set (closed set), -open(closed) function, neutrosophic -homeomorphism.


In the present script, we explain the neutrosophic  -continuous function in the 
neutrosophic topological spaces. We analyze their behaviour; study the various relations and 
properties existing among them.  
Further we like to extend the study to neutrosophic 
 -open function, 
 - irresolute functions and neutrosophic 
 -closed function, 
 - homeomorphism in the 
neutrosophic topological spaces. The relationship among them can be studied in detail. The 
neutrosophic -continuous function, neutrosophic -limit point, neutrosophic -open(closed) function, -derived set and neutrosophic -neighbourhood 
point are explained and utilized to obtain various remarkable properties. They are explored through 
the specified examples. 


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10729917


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How to Cite

N. Kalaivani, K. Fayaz Ur Rahman, & E. Chandrasekaran. (2024). On Neutrosophic -Continuous Functions, Neutrosophic -Open (Closed) Functions in Neutrosophic Topological Spaces. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 64, 185-211. https://fs.unm.edu/nss8/index.php/111/article/view/4275