Exploring Neutrosophic Linear Programming in Advanced Fuzzy Contexts


  • Shubham Kumar Tripath VIT-AP University, Inavolu, Beside AP Secretariat, Amaravati AP, India
  • Arindam Dey VIT-AP University, Inavolu, Beside AP Secretariat, Amaravati AP, India
  • Said Broumi
  • Ranjan, Kumar VIT-AP University, Inavolu, Beside AP Secretariat, Amaravati AP, India


Fuzzy Linear Programming problems; Linear Programming problems; Uncertainty principle; Mem bership function; Single valued trapezoidal neutrosophic numbers; NFMOLP- problems


 A neutrosophic set is a mathematical framework that extends fuzzy and intuitionistic sets to han
dle indeterminate or contradictory information using three components: truth, falsity, and indeterminacy
membership degrees which deal with handling indeterminate, imprecise, and uncertain data, while Extended
 Fuzzy Theory extends the standard fuzzy set theory to manage more intricate membership degrees. The pri
mary objective of this review is to thoroughly investigate and summarize the existing literature on trapezoidal
 neutrosophic environments, particularly focusing on aspects such as the NFMOLP Problems in SVTpN envi
ronments. Ultimately, this comprehensive review article aims to enhance the understanding of the potential of
 these integrated methodologies for effectively presenting decision-making amidst complex and uncertain condi


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10939251


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How to Cite

Shubham Kumar Tripath, Arindam Dey, Said Broumi, & Ranjan, Kumar. (2024). Exploring Neutrosophic Linear Programming in Advanced Fuzzy Contexts. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 66, 170-184. https://fs.unm.edu/nss8/index.php/111/article/view/4373