DVNN-CoCoSo: A Hybrid Neutrosophic Model for Evaluating Social and Economic Impacts of Sports Events


  • Changshun Bai Physical Education Department of Inner Mongolia Medical University, Hohhot, 010010, Inner Mongolia, China
  • Pute Lan Physical Education Department of Inner Mongolia Medical University, Hohhot, 010010, Inner Mongolia, China


Multiple-attribute decision-making (MADM); double-valued neutrosophic sets (DVNSs); CoCoSo technique; social benefits evaluation of major sports events


The evaluation of the social benefits of major sports events is a multifaceted process, focusing on 
assessing the positive impacts such events bring to a host city and society. These benefits include 
promoting public health, fostering national pride and social cohesion, boosting local economies, and 
improving infrastructure. This evaluation process can be viewed as a multiple-attribute decision
making (MADM) problem. This study introduces a novel double-valued neutrosophic number 
CoCoSo (DVNN-CoCoSo) technique for MADM, incorporating DVNN Hamming distance 
(DVNNHD) and DVNN Logarithmic distance (DVNNLD). This method effectively handles the 
uncertainty inherent in evaluating social benefits. A numerical example of social benefits evaluation 
for major sports events illustrates the practicality and efficacy of the DVNN-CoCoSo technique. 
The study's major contributions include the development of the DVNN-CoCoSo technique for 
MADM, the consideration of objective weights through entropy techniques, and the application of 
this novel method to the social benefits evaluation of major sports events.


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14294283


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How to Cite

Changshun Bai, & Pute Lan. (2025). DVNN-CoCoSo: A Hybrid Neutrosophic Model for Evaluating Social and Economic Impacts of Sports Events. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 78, 323-340. https://fs.unm.edu/nss8/index.php/111/article/view/5501