A Statistical Comparison Study of a Real-Life Survey Data on Procedural Justice via Neutrosophic Likert Scale with Score Function and Classical Likert Scale


  • Seher BODUR Department of Statistics, Bitlis Eren University, Bitlis 13000, Türkiye;
  • Selçuk TOPAL Department of Mathematics, Gebze Technical University, Kocaeli 41000, Türkiye;
  • Hacı GÜRKAN Vocational School of Hizan, Bitlis Eren University, Bitlis 13000, Türkiye;


Organizational justice, Likert scale, Neutrosophic Likert Scale, Neutrosophic sets, Neutrosophic survey, Neutrosophic logic, Exploratory factor analysis, Paired samples t test, Procedural justice, score function


The present study aims to examine the distinctions between Likert and Neutrosophic scales in their 
ability to measure organizational behaviors and the many dimensions of organizational justice. To 
evaluate procedural justice, 6 questions measuring procedural justice from the Learning 
Environment Questionnaire were used. Compared to the Likert scale, the Neutrosophic scale 
exhibited greater decision weights and a more distinct expression of participants' ideas due to its 
ability to capture more complex replies. The reliability of both scales was found to be high, as 
indicated by satisfactory Cronbach's alpha coefficients. The results of the exploratory factor analysis 
indicated that both scales consisted of two sub-dimensions. However, it was observed that the 
Neutrosophic scale did not necessitate reverse coding for specific items, unlike the Likert scale. This 
suggests a potential advantage in terms of clarity and interpretability. Furthermore, the study 
revealed that age and faculty type exerted a substantial impact on participants' replies. Notably, 
there were considerable variations seen among different age groups on the Likert scale, as well as 
across different faculty types on the Neutrosophic scale. The results indicate that the Neutrosophic 
scale may yield more consistent and dependable data, particularly in varied demographic settings. 


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14370507


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How to Cite

Seher BODUR, Selçuk TOPAL, & Hacı GÜRKAN. (2025). A Statistical Comparison Study of a Real-Life Survey Data on Procedural Justice via Neutrosophic Likert Scale with Score Function and Classical Likert Scale. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 78, 470-489. https://fs.unm.edu/nss8/index.php/111/article/view/5529