Decision support based on single valued neutrosophic number for information system project selection


  • Silvia Liliana Tejada Yepez Universidad de Guayaquil, Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas y Físicas, Guayaquil Ecuador.


Decision Analysis,, SVN Numbers,, Ideal Alternative, Information Systems,, project selection.


Abstract. Neutrosophic sets and its application to decision support have become a topic of great importance for researchers and practitioners alike. In this paper, a new model for decision making in the selection of information system projects is presented based on single valued neutrosophic number (SVN-numbers) allowing the use of linguistic variables with multiples points of view from experts. The proposed framework is composed of four activities, framework, gathering information, rating alternatives and information system project selection. Project alternatives are rated based on the Euclidean distance to the ideal alternative. A case study is developed in information system, showing the applicability of the proposal. Further works will concentrate in extending the model for dealing with heterogeneous information and in developing a software tool.


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How to Cite

Silvia Liliana Tejada Yepez. (2017). Decision support based on single valued neutrosophic number for information system project selection. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 17, 39-41.