Neutrosophic Vague Line Graphs


  • S. Satham Hussain Department of Mathematics, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli-20, Tamil Nadu, India
  • R. Jahir Hussain Department of Mathematics, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli-20, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Ghulam Muhiuddin Department of Mathematics, University of Tabuk,Tabuk 71491, Saudi Arabia


Neutrosophic vague line graph, Weak isomorphism of neutrosophic vague line graph, Homomorphism


Neutrosophic graphs are employed as a mathematical key to hold an imprecise and unspecified data. Vague sets gives more intuitive graphical notation of vague information, that delicates crucially better analysis in data relationships, incompleteness and similarity measures. In this paper, the neutrosophic vague line graphs are introduced. The necessary and sufficient condition for a line graph to be neutrosophic vague line graph is provided. Further, homomorphism, weak vertex and weak line isomorphism are discussed. The given results are illustrated with suitable example


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How to Cite

S. Satham Hussain, R. Jahir Hussain, & Ghulam Muhiuddin. (2020). Neutrosophic Vague Line Graphs. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 36, 121-130.