This website, in many languages, is dedicated to
type functions,
sequences, numbers, transcendental numbers, primes, generalized palindromes,
constants, continued fractions, numeration bases, algorithms, criteria of primality and simultaneously primality, criteria of coprimality,
functional iterations, infinite products, k-factorials, relationships,
series, solved and unsolved problems, conjectures, theorems,
structures, mixed non-Euclidean geometries, manifolds, recreational sciences,
semantic paradoxes, tautologies, psychological tests and law on sensations and
stimuli, unmatter and unparticle, physics hypothesis that there is no speed barrier in the
Superluminal and Instantaneous
Physics, quantum and Sorites paradoxes,
multispace & multistructure, SC-potential, neutrosophy as a new branch of philosophy, neutrosophic logic,
neutrosophic set, neutrosophic probability and statistics, and their
extensions to plithogenic set, logic and
Neutrosophic Theory of
Law of Included Multiple-Middle & Principle of Dynamic, Poly-Emporium
Theory, Dezert-Smarandache
Theory of plausible and paradoxist reasoning in information fusion,
oUTER-aRT, etc.