
  “Outer-Art” is a movement set up as a protest against, or to ridicule, the random modern art which states that everything is… art!  It was initiated by Florentin Smarandache, in 1990s, who ironically called for an upside-down artwork: to do art in a way it is not supposed to be done, i.e. to make art as ugly, as silly, as wrong as possible, and generally as impossible as possible!

He published three such (outer-)albums, the second one called “oUTER-aRT, the Worst Possible Art in the World!” (2002).

Excerpts from his (outer-)art theory:  <The way of how not to write, which is an emblem of paradoxism, was later on extended to the way of how not to paint, how not to design, how to not sculpture, until the way of how not to act, or how not to sing, or how not to perform on the stage – thus: all reversed. Only negative adjectives are cumulated in the outer-art: utterly awful and uninteresting art; disgusting, execrable, failure art; garbage paintings: from crumpled, dirty, smeared, torn, ragged paper;  using anti-colors and a-colors; naturalist paintings: from wick, spit, urine, feces, any waste matter; misjudged art; self-discredited, ignored, lousy, stinky, hooted, chaotic, vain, lazy, inadequate art (I had once misspelled 'rat' instead of 'art'); obscure, unremarkable, syncopal art;  para-art; deriding art expressing inanity and emptiness; strange, stupid, nerd art, in-deterministic, incoherent, dull, uneven art... as made by any monkey!… the worse the better!>

  Art Essays


A manifesto for the Unification of Art Theories (UAT)


A manifesto and anti-manifesto for Outer-Art




Paradoxism and (Outer-)Art: a New Cultural (Dis)Order?  [interview]


Art Albums


Unification of Art Theories (UAT) [pdfpptxvideo]


Outer-Art, Vol. I: Experimentation in paintings, drawings, drafts, computer design, collages, photos [pdfpptxvideo]


Outer-Art, Vol. II: The Worst Possible Art in the World! [pdfpptxvideo]


Outer-Art, Vol. III: prints, outer-sculptures, and digital works [pdfpptx, video]


Hieroglyphs and Diagrams (Outer-Art, Vol. IV) [pdfpptxvideo]


Outer-Art, Vol. V (holograph book) [pdfpptxvideo]


Dysdrawings (Outer-Art, Vol. VI) [pdf, pptx, video]

bullet Techno-Art of Selariu SuperMathematics Functions (Vol. I) [pdfpptxvideo]
bullet Techno-Art of Selariu SuperMathematics Functions (Vol. II) [pdfpptxvideo]

Parallel Universes (Experimental digital art) [pdf,pptxvideo]

bullet =quantum cyberart= (the world of micro-infinity) [pdfpptxvideo]
bullet Haewen Haeven (dynamic cyber) [pdf, pptx, video]
bullet +neogeometrism+ (computer art) [pdf, pptxvideo]
bullet China, 5G (pdf, pptx, video) new
bullet Colombia, una Constante Neutrosofica (pdf, pptx, video) nuevo
bullet Lisboa, Sangue Ultramarine (pdf, pptx, video) novo
bullet A Journey to Jeddah and Medina (pdf, pptx, video) new
bullet Un Domingo Dominicano (pdf, pptx, video) nuevo
bullet 2,565,000,000,000,000 (pdf, pptx, video) new
bullet Icelandicity (pdf, pptx, video) new
bullet PhotoGrooks (pdf, pptx, video) new
bullet Pakistanibbles (pdf, pptx, video) new
bullet The Island of Quelpart (pdf, pptx, video) new
bullet Vancouvering (Photolog) {pdf, pptx, video}
bullet Heidelberg Fusion (Photolog) {pdf, pptx, video}
bullet Nigerian Snapshots (pdf, video)
bullet Galapagos Neutrosophic Syndrome (pdf, video) new
bullet La Mitad de la Tierra (pdf, video)
bullet Antarctica, The Empire of Whiteness (Photolog) {pdf, pptx, video}
bullet Hielo Fuego. En el sur de Suramérica (fotolog) {pdf, pptx, video}

Okeanos (A photolog) {pdf, pptx, video}

bullet Vietnam Regaining the Smile (Photolog) {pdf, pptx, video}
bullet Science is Infinite (pdf, pps, video)
bullet Twelfth International Anthology on Paradoxism (in Folklore Images) [pdf, pptx, video]
bullet Tenth International Anthology on Paradoxism (in Folklore Images) (pdf, pps, video)
bullet Il Faut Sourire Meme si Tu Souffres [pdf, pptm, video]
bullet La Vie A Plus ppt Infini [pdf, pptm, video]

Arta Femeii [pdf, pptx, video]

bullet Poate oul e mult mai deștept decât găina, dar se strică repede (meme) [pdf, pptx, video]
bullet Pentru unii, umorul este ca o limbă străină: fără subtitrare nu înţeleg nimic! (meme) [pdf, pptx, video]

Fotografii Îngândurate. Album din Deşert [pdf, pptx, video]

bullet Să poţi zâmbi atunci când suferi (pdf, pps, video)
bullet Viaţa la plus infinit (pdf, pps, video)
bullet Cine are urechi de auzit, să vadă! (pdf, pps, video)
bullet Cules de păsări [pdf, pptx, video]
bullet Flori îndrăgostite [pdf, pptx, video]



OuterPaintings and OverPaintings

You are welcome to join the Outer-Art club.


MATHEMATICS Algebra Geometries Multispace
  Neutrosophic Environment Number Theory Statistics
PHILOSOPHY Neutrosophy, a new branch of philosophy Law of Included Multiple-Middle & Principle of Dynamic Neutrosophic Opposition  
PHYSICS Absolute Theory of Relativity Quantum Paradoxes Unmatter
  Neutrosophic Physics Superluminal and Instantaneous Physics  
BIOLOGY Neutrosophic Theory of Evolution Syndrome  
ECONOMICS Poly-Emporium Theory    
LINGUISTICS Linguistic Paradoxes Linguistic Tautologies  
PSYCHOLOGY Neutropsychic Personality Illusion Law on Sensations and Stimuli
  Synonymity Test Complex  
SOCIOLOGY Social Paradox Sociological Theory  
  Literatura Romana Bancuri  
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