

Literature --- Albums of Art --- Travel --- Science --- Celebration )





VideoPoems - English


Drawn Poems [EN] (pptx, pdfvideo)


Prin tunele de cuvinte / Through Tunnels of Words [RO, EN]

(pptx, pdf, video)


The Spring / Primavara / Le Printemps [EN, RO, FR] (pptx, pdf, video)


The Summer / Vara / L’Eté [EN, RO, FR] (pptx, pdf, video)


The Autumn / Toamna / L’Automne [EN, RO, FR] (pptx, pdf, video)


The Winter / Iarna / L’Hiver [EN, RO, FR] (pptx, pdf, video)


Zen [EN, RO] (pptx, pdf, video)


Lyriphotons [EN] (pptx, pdf, video)


 The Matter Is Bleeding


 The Paradox - a way of life


 Dance in the rhythm of ... haiku



                       VideoPoèmes - Français


      La nuit nuit a l’horizon [FR] (pptx, pdf, video)

      Existentialisme du naturalisme [FR] (pptx, pdf, video)

      Coucher du soleil [FR] (pptx, pdf, video)

            En cet oiseau se trouve un envol [FR] (pptx, pdf, video)       

            La Mort restera vivante [FR] (pptx, pdf, video)


                       VideoPoeme - Română


20 distihuri paradoxiste [RO] (pptx, pdf, video)

Batranete fara tinerete [RO] (pptx, pdf, video)

Confesiune [RO] (pptx, pdf, video)

Cumpana [RO] (pptx, pdf, video)

Lectura spiritului [RO] (pptx, pdf, video)

Madama [RO] (pptx, pdf, video)

Mi se scurge tot rosul din sange [RO] (pptx, pdf, video)

Nea Purrcell [RO] (pptx, pdf, video)

Paradoxism [RO] (pptx, pdf, video)

Pasare verticala [RO] (pptx, pdf, video)

SOS [RO] (pptx, pdf, video)

Treceau taranii [RO] (pptx, pdf, video)

Triste bucurii [RO] (pptx, pdf, video)

Viata am trait-o cum se moare [RO] (pptx, pdf, video)

Rupem din ghiocei doar zapada [RO] (pptx, pdf, video)

Imagini pentru orbi [RO] (pptx, pdf, video)

Filozofie a psihologiei [RO] (pptx, pdf, video)


                                       Emigrant la infinit


                        Sa poti zambi atunci cand suferi


   Cine are urechi de auzit, sa vada!


   Cosmograme, I. Versuri in univers


   Cosmograme, II. Materia in delir



Literary VideoBooks



Florentin's Laws


Twelfth International Anthology on Paradoxism (in Folklore Images) (pdf, pptx, video)


Tenth International Anthology on Paradoxism (in Folklore Images) (pdf, pps, video)


Il Faut Sourire Meme si Tu Souffres (pdf, pptm, video)


La Vie A Plus ppt Infini (pdf, pptm, video)


Arta Femeii (pdf, pptx, video)


Poate oul e mult mai deștept decât găina, dar se strică repede (meme) (pdf, pptx, video)


Pentru unii, umorul este ca o limbă străină: fără subtitrare nu înţeleg nimic! (meme) (pdf, pptx, video)


Fotografii Îngândurate. Album din Deşert (pdf, pptx, video)


Să poţi zâmbi atunci când suferi (pdf, pps, video)


Viaţa la plus infinit (pdf, pps, video)


Cine are urechi de auzit, sã vadã! (pdf, pps, video)


Cules de păsări (pdf, pptx, video)


Flori îndrăgostite (pdf, pptx, video)


Deszdemonizarea. Un fotoalbum paradoxist de desdemonizare și dezdemonizare a Desdemonei

{Latin & Romana} {pdf, pptx, video}


                  VideoAlbums of Art

                                     Unification of Art Theories (UAT) (pdfpptxvideo)

                            Outer-Art, Vol. I: Experimentation in paintings, drawings, drafts, computer design,

                            collages, photos (pdfpptxvideo)

                            Outer-Art, Vol. II: The Worst Possible Art in the World! (pdfpptxvideo)

                            Outer-Art, Vol. III: prints, outer-sculptures, and digital works (pdfpptx, video)

                            Hieroglyphs and Diagrams (Outer-Art, Vol. IV) (pdfpptxvideo)

                            Outer-Art, Vol. V (holograph book) (pdfpptxvideo)

                            Dysdrawings (Outer-Art, Vol. VI) (pdf, pptx, video)

                            Techno-Art of Selariu SuperMathematics Functions (Vol. I) (pdfpptxvideo)

                            Techno-Art of Selariu SuperMathematics Functions (Vol. II) (pdfpptxvideo)

                            Parallel Universes (Experimental digital art) (pdf, pptxvideo)

                            =quantum cyberart= (the world of micro-infinity) (pdfpptxvideo)

                            Haewen Haeven (dynamic cyber) (pdf, pptx, video)

                            +neogeometrism+ (computer art) (pdf, pptxvideo)


                    Travel VideoMemories

Postales del Ecuador (pdf, pptx, video)

Agosto Cubano (pdf, pptx, video)

Ron, Tabaco y Libertad (pdf, pptx, video)

Sã-mi mai vãd o datã locul (pdf, pptx, video) nou

One Happy Art Island (pdf, pptx, video)

Vitamina Pa Wowo (pdf, pptx, video)

Waters, skies, and feelings (pdt, pptx, video)

Texturized Hoodoos. A photoalbum from Bryce Canyon National Park (pdf,

pptx, video)

Cacti et comp.: rememberings I want or don't want to remember anymore. A

trilingual photoalbum (Romanian, English, French) (pdf, pptx, video)

Impictured (pdf, pptx, video)

The Voyager, Vol. I (pdf, pptx, video), Vol. II (pdf, pptx, video)

Hit the road! Pedibus calcantibus / En piétinant (fotoalbum photo avec de

nombreuses expressions proverbiales latines) (pdf, pptx, video)

Los Caminos de Neruda (pdf, pptx, video)

China, 5G (pdf, pptx, video)

Colombia, una Constante Neutrosofica (pdf, pptx, video)

Lisboa, Sangue Ultramarine (pdf, pptx, video)

A Journey to Jeddah and Medina (pdf, pptx, video)

Un Domingo Dominicano (pdf, pptx, video)

Lapis Flavus (Yellowstone) (pdf, pptx, video)

2,565,000,000,000,000 (pdf, pptx, video)

Icelandicity (pdf, pptx, video)

PhotoGrooks (pdf, pptx, video)

Pakistanibbles (pdf, pptx, video)

The Island of Quelpart (pdf, pptx, video)

Vancouvering (Photolog) (pdf, pptx, video)

Heidelberg Fusion (Photolog) (pdf, pptx, video)

Nigerian Snapshots (pdf, video)

Galapagos Neutrosophic Syndrome (pdf, video)

La Mitad de la Tierra (pdf, video)

Antarctica, The Empire of Whiteness (Photolog) (pdf, pptx, video)

Hielo Fuego. En el sur de Suramérica (fotolog) (pdf, pptx, video)

Okeanos (A photolog) (pdf, pptx, video)

Vietnam Regaining the Smile (Photolog) (pdf, pptx, video)

Chasing the Light (Antelope Canyon, Arizona) (pdf, pptx, video)

Alaska: The Snowbound World (pdf, pptx, video)

Italycizing (pdf, pptx, video)

K'awiil An Encounter (pdf, pptx, video)

                                 Bec à Québec (pdf, pptx, video)


Scientific Presentations

    Neutrosophic Evolution as extension of Darwin’s Evolution: The Cave Case

    (pdf, pptx, video)

Science is Infinite (pdf, pps, video)


Application of New Absolute and Relative Conditioning Rules in Threat Assessment


Connection between Extenics and Refined Neutrosophic Logic


Foundations of Neutrosophic Logic and Set and their Applications to Information Fusion


Generalizations in Extenics of the Location Value and Dependent Function


Modified PCR Rules of Combination with Degrees of Intersections


Neutrosophic Masses & Indeterminate Models. Applications to Information Fusion


Neutrosophic Physics


Greetings: Port Said University, Egypt - Conference

Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science 2010 Golden Awards



Aguner Parasmoni

Guru Vandana

Shanta Sp

Birthday Cake


MATHEMATICS Algebra Geometries Multispace
  Neutrosophic Environment Number Theory Statistics
PHILOSOPHY Neutrosophy, a new branch of philosophy Law of Included Multiple-Middle & Principle of Dynamic Neutrosophic Opposition  
PHYSICS Absolute Theory of Relativity Quantum Paradoxes Unmatter
  Neutrosophic Physics Superluminal and Instantaneous Physics  
BIOLOGY Neutrosophic Theory of Evolution Syndrome  
ECONOMICS Poly-Emporium Theory    
LINGUISTICS Linguistic Paradoxes Linguistic Tautologies  
PSYCHOLOGY Complex Illusion Law on Sensations and Stimuli
  Synonymity Test    
SOCIOLOGY Social Paradox Sociological Theory  
  Literatura Romana Bancuri  
Science Library Literature Library

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