Novel Open Source Python Neutrosophic Package


  • Haitham A. El-Ghareeb Information Systems Department, Faculty of Computers and Information Sciences, Mansoura University, 35116, Egyp


Single Valued Neutrosophic Number, Neutrosophic Sets, Open Source, Python


Neutrosophic sets has gained wide popularity and acceptance in both academia and industry. Different fields have successfully adopted and utilized neutrosophic sets. However, there is no open-source implementation that provides the basic neutrosophic concepts. Open-source is a global movement that enables developers to share their source-code, as researchers do share their research ideas and results. Presented Open-source python neutrosophic package is the first of its kind. It utilizes object oriented concepts. It is based on one of the most popular multiparadigm programming languages that is widely used in different academic and industry fields and activities; namely python. Presented package tends to dissolve the barriers and enable both researchers and developers to adopt neutrosophic sets and theory in research and applications. In this paper, the first Open-source, Object-Oriented, Python based Neutrosophic package is presented. This paper intensively scanned neutrosophic sets research attempting to reach the most widely accepted neutrosophic proofs, and then transforming them into source-code. Presented package implements most of the basic neutrosophic concepts. Presented neutrosophic package presents four different classes: Single Valued Neutrosophic Number, Single Valued Neutrosophic Sets, Interval Valued Neutrosophic Number, and Interval Valued Neutrosophic Sets. Presented package source code, test cases, usage examples, and updated documentation can be found online at Presented neutrosophic package can be easily integrated into research and applications. This is an ongoing work and research, as neutrosophic theory is largely expanding, and there are lots of features to cover.


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How to Cite

El-Ghareeb, H. A. . (2020). Novel Open Source Python Neutrosophic Package. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 25, 136-160.