Communication vs. Information, an Axiomatic Neutrosophic Solution


  • Florentin Smarandache
  • Ştefan Vlăduțescu


Study represents an application of the neutrosophic
method, for solving the contradiction between communication
and information. In addition, it recourse to an appropriate
method of approaching the contradictions: Extensics, as the
method and the science of solving the contradictions.
The research core is the reality that the scientific
research of communication-information relationship has
reached a dead end. The bivalent relationship communicationinformation, information-communication has come to be
contradictory, and the two concepts to block each other.
After the critical examination of conflicting positions
expressed by many experts in the field, the extensic and
inclusive hypothesis is issued that information is a form of
communication. The object of communication is the sending of
a message. The message may consist of thoughts, ideas,
opinions, feelings, beliefs, facts, information, intelligence or
other significational elements. When the message content is
primarily informational, communication will become
information or intelligence.
The arguments of supporting the hypothesis are:
a) linguistic (the most important being that there is
"communication of information" but not "information of
communication"; also, it is clarified and reinforced the over
situated referent, that of the communication as a process),
b) systemic-procedural (in the communication system
is developing an information system; the informing actant is a
type of communicator, the information process is a
communication process),
c) practical (the delimitation eliminates the efforts of
disparate and inconsistent understanding of the two concepts),
d) epistemological arguments (the possibility of intersubjective thinking of reality is created), linguistic arguments,
e) logical and realistic arguments (it is noted the
situation that allows to think coherently in a system of
concepts - derivative series or integrative groups)
f) and arguments from historical experience (the
concept of communication has temporal priority, it appears 13
times in Julius Caesar’s writings ).
In an axiomatic conclusion, the main arguments are
summarized in four axioms: three are based on the pertinent
observations of specialists, and the fourth is a relevant
application of Florentin Smarandache’s neutrosophic theory


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How to Cite

Florentin Smarandache, & Ştefan Vlăduțescu. (2024). Communication vs. Information, an Axiomatic Neutrosophic Solution. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 1, 38-45.

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