A Novel Method for Neutrosophic Assignment Problem by using Interval-Valued Trapezoidal Neutrosophic Number


  • Hamiden Abd El- Wahed Khalifa
  • Pavan Kumar


Assignment problem (AP) is well- studied and important area in optimization. In this
research manuscript, an assignment problem in neutrosophic environment, called as neutrosophic
assignment problem (NAP), is introduced. The problem is proposed by using the interval-valued
trapezoidal neutrosophic numbers in the elements of cost matrix. As per the concept of score
function, the interval-valued trapezoidal neutrosophic assignment problem (IVTNAP) is
transformed to the corresponding an interval-valued AP. To optimize the objective function in
interval form, we use the order relations. These relations are the representations of choices of
decision maker. The maximization (or minimization) model with objective function in interval form
is changed to multi- objective based on order relations introduced by the decision makers' preference
in case of interval profits (or costs). In the last, we solve a numerical example to support the
proposed solution methodology.


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How to Cite

Hamiden Abd El- Wahed Khalifa, & Pavan Kumar. (2020). A Novel Method for Neutrosophic Assignment Problem by using Interval-Valued Trapezoidal Neutrosophic Number. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 36, 24-36. https://fs.unm.edu/nss8/index.php/111/article/view/4028