Some New Type of Lacunary Statistically Convergent Sequences In Neutrosophic Normed Space


  • Vakeel A. Khan
  • Mohammad Daud Khan
  • Mobeen Ahmad


The idea of statistical convergence was introduced by Fast [H. Fast, Sur la convergence statistique,
Colloq. Math. 2 (1951) 241–244] afterwards studied by many authors. In [J.A. Fridy, C. Orhan, Lacunary
statistical convergence, Pacific J. Math. 160 (1993) 43–51],Fridy and Orhan proposed the concept of lacunary
statistical convergence. In present paper, we introduce lacunary statistically convergent in neutrosophic normed
space (brifly, NNS). We define the concept of lacunary statistical Cauchy sequence in NNS and derive the relation between statistical completness and completeness in NNS . We give some basic properties of these concepts.


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How to Cite

Vakeel A. Khan, Mohammad Daud Khan, & Mobeen Ahmad. (2021). Some New Type of Lacunary Statistically Convergent Sequences In Neutrosophic Normed Space. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 42, 239-252.