Determining the Relationship between Interculturality and Bilingualism in Bilingual Teaching in Peru Based on Plithogenic Statistics


  • Rafael Pinedo Coral National Intercultural University of the Amazon, Pucallpa, Perú
  • Aniceto Elías Aguilar Polo National Intercultural University of the Amazon, Pucallpa, Perú
  • Juan Ernesto Ríos Ángeles National Intercultural University of the Amazon, Pucallpa, Perú
  • Edgar Ricardo Yauri Rivera National Intercultural University of the Amazon, Pucallpa, Perú
  • Janett Karina Vásquez Pérez National Intercultural University of the Amazon, Pucallpa, Perú
  • Liliana Huaranga Rivera National Intercultural University of the Amazon, Pucallpa, Perú
  • Roberth Lozano Tacuri Toribio Daniel Alcides Carrion National University Pasco, Perú
  • Miriam Esther Campos Llana Daniel Alcides Carrion National University Pasco, Perú


Interculturality, bilingualism, Plithogeny, Plithogenic Statistics, Single-Valued Neutrosophic Number, Plithogenic Neutrosophic Probability, Spearman Rho coefficient


The development of this research was propitiated as its main goal to determine the level of relationship that exists between interculturality and bilingualism in bilingual teachers of regular basic education in the rural area of Callería, Ucayali, Peru, during 2023. The study was developed through simple random sampling, in the population that is made up of 581 bilingual teachers. The sample comprises 174 of these teachers, to whom two questionnaires were applied as data collection instruments prepared from the survey technique; thus concluding that there is a direct and significant relationship between interculturality and bilingualism. We determined that the use of traditional statistical methods is insufficient to carry out a complete study because there is uncertainty in the data collected since we wanted to consider the degree of mastery of the language by each teacher. The study is based on plithogenic statistics because this theory is dedicated to studying the indeterminacy in complex phenomena, where several factors influence the object of study. The plithogenic statistics is an extension of Multivariate Statistics.


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How to Cite

Rafael Pinedo Coral, Aniceto Elías Aguilar Polo, Juan Ernesto Ríos Ángeles, Edgar Ricardo Yauri Rivera, Janett Karina Vásquez Pérez, Liliana Huaranga Rivera, Roberth Lozano Tacuri Toribio, & Miriam Esther Campos Llana. (2024). Determining the Relationship between Interculturality and Bilingualism in Bilingual Teaching in Peru Based on Plithogenic Statistics. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 71(71), 167-173.

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