Generalization of Neutrosophic Rings and Neutrosophic Fields


  • Mumtaz Ali Department of Mathematics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan
  • Florentin Smarandache University of New Mexico, 705 Gurley Ave., Gallup, New Mexico 87301, USA
  • Muhammad Shabir Department of Mathematics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, 44000,Pakistan
  • Luige Vladareanu Institute of Solid Mechanics, Bucharest, Romania


Neutrosophic ring, neutrosophic field, neutrosophic biring, neutrosophic N-ring, neutrosophic bifield neutrosophic N-field


In this paper we present the generalization of neutrosophic rings and neutrosophic fields. We also extend the neutrosophic ideal to neutrosophic biideal and neutrosophic N-ideal. We also find some new type of notions which are related to the strong or pure part of neuneutrosophy. We have given sufficient amount of examples to illustrate the theory of neutrosophic birings, neutrosophic N-rings with neutrosophic bifields and neutrosophic N-fields and display many properties of them in this paper.


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How to Cite

Ali, M., Smarandache, F., Shabir, M. ., & Vladareanu, L. . (2014). Generalization of Neutrosophic Rings and Neutrosophic Fields. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 5, 9-14.

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