New Types of Neutrosophic Crisp Closed Sets
Neutrosophic crisp set, Neutrosophic crisp topology, Neutrosophic crisp closed set,Abstract
The neutrosophic sets were known since 1999, and because of their wide applications and their great flexibility to solve the problems, we used these the concepts to define a new type of neutrosophic crisp closed sets and limit points in neutrosophic-crisp topological space, namely [neutrosophiccrispGemsetsand neutrosophiccrispTurig points ] respectively, we study their properties in details and join it with topological concepts. Finally, we used [neutrosophiccrispGemsetsand neutrosophiccrispTurig points] to introduce of topological concepts as : neutrosophic crisp closed (open)sets, neutrosophic crisp closure, neutrosophic crisp interior, neutrosophic crisp exterior and neutrosophic crisp boundary which are fundamental for further research on neutrosophic crisp topology and will strengthen the foundations of the theory of neutrosophic topological spaces.

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