A Neutrosophic based C-Means Approach for Improving Breast Cancer Clustering Performance
Breast cancer dataset clusterability; Fuzzy c-means clustering; Neutrosophic c-means clustering; t-SNE; Silhouette coefficientAbstract
Breast cancer is among the most prevalent cancers, and early detection is crucial to
successful treatment. One of the most crucial phases of breast cancer treatment is a correct diagnosis.
Numerous studies exist about breast cancer classification in the literature. However, analyzing the
cancer dataset in the context of clusterability for unsupervised modeling is rare. This work analyzes
pointedly the breast cancer dataset clusterability via applying the widely used c-means clustering
algorithm and its evolved versions fuzzy and neutrosophic ones. An in-depth comparative study is
conducted utilizing a set of quantitative and qualitative clustering efficiency metrics. The study's
outcomes divulge the presented neutrosophic c-means clustering superiority in segregating similar
breast cancer instances into clusters.

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