Enhanced MADM Strategy with Heptapartitioned Neutrosophic Distance Metrics


  • Mohamed eassa Computer Science Department, Faculty of Information System and Computer Science, October 6 University, Giza, 12585, Egypt; Applied Science Research Center. Applied Science Private University, Amman, Jordan
  • M. Myvizhi Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India;
  • Mohamed Elkholy Faculty of Computer Science& Engineering, Alamein International University;
  • Ahmed Abdelhafeez Computer Science Department, Faculty of Information System and Computer Science, October 6 University, Giza, 12585, Egypt
  • Hussam Elbehiery Computer Science Department, Faculty of Information System and Computer Science, October 6 University, Giza, 12585, Egypt;


Heptapartitioned set, Heptapartitioned Neutrosophic set, Neutrosophic sine distance measure, Heptapartitioned Neutrosophic set and MADM strategy.


In this work, a novel methodological approach to multi-attribute decision-making problems 
is developed and the notion of Heptapartitioned Neutrosophic Set Distance Measures (HNSDM) is 
introduced. By averaging the Penta-Partitioned Neutrosophic Distance Measures under particular 
conditional criteria, the suggested technique ranks the options. Additionally, we explore the 
fundamental characteristics of HNSDM and provide several illustrative theorems. The 
Heptapartitioned Neutrosophic Set Distance Measures are formulated based on the Hepta 
Neutrosophic Set. Lastly, a practical numerical example is provided to illustrate the efficacy of the 
suggested methodology. 


DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14231102


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How to Cite

Mohamed eassa, M. Myvizhi, Mohamed Elkholy, Ahmed Abdelhafeez, & Hussam Elbehiery. (2025). Enhanced MADM Strategy with Heptapartitioned Neutrosophic Distance Metrics . Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 78, 74-96. https://fs.unm.edu/nss8/index.php/111/article/view/5448

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