Decision-Making Approach Based on Correlation Coefficient with its Properties Under Interval-Valued Neutrosophic hypersoft set environment
The correlation coefficient between two variables plays an essential part in statistics. In
addition, the preciseness in the assessment of correlation relies on information from the set of
discourse. The data collected for various statistical studies is full of ambiguities. In this article, we
investigated some fundamental concepts that strengthen the current research structure, such as soft
sets, hypersoft sets, neutrosophic hypersoft set (NHSS), and interval-valued neutrosophic hypersoft
set (IVNHSS). The IVNHSS is an extension of the interval-valued neutrosophic soft set. The main
objective of this paper is to develop the concept of correlation and weighted correlation coefficients
for IVNHSS. We also, discuss the desirable properties of correlation and weighted correlation
coefficients under the IVNHSS environment in the following research. Also, develop a decisionmaking technique based on the proposed correlation coefficient. Through the developed
methodology, a technique for solving decision-making concerns is planned. Moreover, an
application of the projected methods is presented for the selection of a medical superintendent in a
public hospital.
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