Travel Memories

Videos, PhotoAlbums, Books

English  Español  Português Românã


bullet   Neutrosophic Evolution as extension of Darwin’s Evolution: The Cave Case {pdf, pptx, video} new

Waters, skies, and feelings {pdt, pptx, video} new

bullet   Texturized Hoodoos. A photoalbum from Bryce Canyon National Park {pdf, pptx, video} new
bullet   Cacti et comp.: rememberings I want or don't want to remember anymore. A trilingual photoalbum (Romanian, English, French) {pdf, pptx, video} new
bullet   Impictured {pdf, pptx, video} new
bullet   The Voyager, Vol. I {pdf, pptx, video}, Vol. II {pdf, pptx, video} new
bullet   China, 5G {pdf, pptx, video} new
bullet   A Journey to Jeddah and Medina {pdf, pptx, video} new
bullet   2,565,000,000,000,000 {pdf, pptx, video} new
bullet   Icelandicity {pdf, pptx, video} new
bullet   PhotoGrooks {pdf, pptx, video}
bullet   Pakistanibbles (pdf, pptx, video}
bullet   The Island of Quelpart {pdf, pptx, video)
bullet   Nigerian Snapshots {pdf, pptx, video}
bullet   Galapagos Neutrosophic Syndrome {pdf, pptx, video} new
bullet   Antarctica, The Empire of Whiteness (Photolog) {pdf, pptx, video}
bullet   Okeanos (A photolog) {pdf, pptx, video}
bullet   Vietnam Regaining the Smile (Photolog) {pdf, pptx, video
bullet   Vancouvering (Photolog) {pdf, pptx, video}
bullet   Lecturing in Nigerian Southwest Universities
bullet   Heidelberg Fusion (Photolog) {pdf, pptx, video}
bullet   Alaska: The Snowbound World {pdf, pptx, video}
bullet   Chasing the Light (Antelope Canyon, Arizona) {pdf, pptx, video}


bullet   En La Cordillera De Los Andes nuevo
bullet   Postales del Ecuador (pdf, pptx, video) nuevo
bullet   En la Tierra de Los Incas
bullet   La Habana Neutrosofica
bullet   Agosto Cubano (pdf, pptx, video)
bullet   EsPeruanza (pdf, pptx, video) nuevo
bullet   Conferencia Neutrosófica y Plitogénica en Perú nuevo
bullet   Ron, Tabaco y Libertad (pdf, pptx, video)
bullet   Los caminos de Neruda {pdf, pptx, video}
bullet   Colombia, una Constante Neutrosofica {pdf, pptx, video}
bullet   Un Domingo Dominicano {pdf, pptx, video}
bullet   La Mitad de la Tierra {pdf, pptx, video}
bullet   Hielo Fuego. En el sur de Suramérica (fotolog) {pdf, pptx, video}


bullet Hit the road! Pedibus calcantibus / En piétinant (fotoalbum photo avec de nombreuses expressions proverbiales latines) {pdf, pptx, video} nouveau


bulletTrame di Sole e Pietra [pdf, pptx, video, music] nuovo

bulletArrivederci, Sicilia! nuovo


bullet   Lapis Flavus (Yellowstone) {pdf, pptx, video} novus


bullet   Lisboa, Sangue Ultramarine {pdf, pptx, video} novo


bullet   Pe Cordiliera Andina
bullet   Arrivederci, Sicilia (româna) nou
bullet   In Tara Incasilor nou
bullet   Havana, Neutrosofica nou
bullet   SPeruanţa (pdf, pptx, video) nou
bullet   Conferință Neutrosofică și Plitogenică în Peru nou
bullet   Mi-ar Placea sa Traiesc la Tropice
bullet   Să-mi mai văd o dată locul (pdf, pptx, video) nou
bullet   Revenirea la Vatră nou
bullet   Aruba, Aruba! (nou)
bullet   Stercurandu-ne printre virusi in Chile nou
bullet   Multimi Neutrosofice. Conferinta Internationala in China nou
bullet   Columbiana nou
bullet   Dominicana-mente nou

Topologia Neutrosofica Saudita nou


Scurtcircuit Lusitan nou

bullet   Noptile Polare Inuite nou
bullet   Aurorae et Tenebrae Boreales
bullet   Veni, Vidi, Viking
bullet   Pe drumuri neutrosofice pakistaneze
bullet   Ocolul Planetei cu Avionul nou
bullet   Conferenţiind la Universităţi din Sud-Westul Nigeriei
bullet In spirit german
bullet Galapagos sau Tinutul Broastelor Testoase Gigantice / Teoria Neutrosofica a Evolutiei nou
bullet   Calatorie la Mijlocul Pamantului (PDF, FlipBook)
bullet   Postdoc în Ţara Soarelui-Răsare (PDF; FlipBook)
bullet   Un Oltean în Antarctica (PDF, FlipBook) nou
bullet   Singur printre Gheţari
bullet   Dor (Fotoalbum si versuri) {pdf, pptx, video} nou
bullet   Din Amazonia în Pampas
bullet   Am ajuns in Rai! (fotojurnal instantaneu din Polinezia Franceză) (PDF, FlipBook)
bullet   Vietnam Veteran in Stiinte Neutrosofice
bullet   Viitorul a Inceput in Trecut
bullet   Belfer în Africa (jurnal marocan)
bullet   India Magicã
bullet   Mama vitregã Rusia
bullet   Exotica şi cutremurătoarea Indonezie
bullet   Prin bătrâna Europa (fotojurnal instantaneu)
bullet   Pura Vida (fotojurnal instantaneu)
bullet   Aventuri chineze (fotojurnal instantaneu)
bullet   Extensica / Fotojurnal instantaneu din Canton
bullet   În Vestul NeSălbatic (fotojurnal instantaneu nord-american)
bullet   Desperado (scrisori olografe din lagărul de refugiaţi politici din Turcia) [1045 p.]
bullet   Obiectivul "SAVU" ( [740 p., 95 MB]
bullet Frate cu meridianele şi paralelele (note de călătorii) [Vol. 1 (PDF, FlipBook), Vol. 2 (PDF, FlipBook), Vol. 3 (PDF, FlipBook), Vol. 4 (PDF, FlipBook), Vol. 5 (PDF, FlipBook), Vol. 6 (PDF, FlipBook),  Vol. 7 (PDF, FlipBook), Vol. 8 (PDF, FlipBook), Vol. 9 (PDF, FlipBook)]



MATHEMATICS Algebra Geometries Multispace
  Neutrosophic Environment Number Theory Statistics
  Plithogenic Set / Logic /      Probability / Statistics    
PHILOSOPHY Neutrosophy, a new branch of philosophy Law of Included Multiple-Middle & Principle of Dynamic Neutrosophic Opposition  
PHYSICS Absolute Theory of Relativity Quantum Paradoxes Unmatter
  Neutrosophic Physics Superluminal and Instantaneous Physics  
BIOLOGY Neutrosophic Theory of Evolution Syndrome  
ECONOMICS Poly-Emporium Theory    
LINGUISTICS Linguistic Paradoxes Linguistic Tautologies  
PSYCHOLOGY Neutropsychic Personality Illusion Law on Sensations and Stimuli
  Synonymity Test Complex  
SOCIOLOGY Neutrosociology Sociological Theory Social Paradox
  Literatura Romana Bancuri Travel Memories
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