NeutroAlgebra for the evaluation of barriers to migrants’ access in Primary Health Care in Chile based on PROSPECTOR function


  • Diego Silva Jiménez Centro de Salud Pública, Universidad Central de Chile, Santiago, Chile
  • juan Alexis Valenzuela Mayorga Centro de Salud Pública, Universidad Central de Chile, Santiago, Chile
  • Mara Esther Roja Ubilla Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Sur Oriente, Santiago, Chile
  • Noel Batista Hernández Universidad de Guayaquil, Guayaquil, Ecuador


Access barriers, access to health, international migrant, primary care, PROSPECTOR, uninorm, offuninorm, NeutroFunction, NeutroAlgebra


This research is the result of the CIP 2018016 project of the Universidad Central of Chile. The migrant population has beliefs, values and health practices different from Chilean people, for which Chilean citizens are not prepared as a society or health sector. The purpose of this research is to investigate which are the access barriers to health that the international migrant population faces in primary health care in Chile. To accomplish this objective, a group of migrants was surveyed on an evaluation scale between -10 to 10 in various aspects of access to health. A generalization of the well-known PROSPECTOR function was used as aggregator, where the aggregation between the two extreme values is undefined. Except for indefiniteness, this function is a truth membership of an offuninorm or a uninorm in the interval [-1, 1]. We preferred to keep the indeterminacy to take into account totally contradictory opinions. This turns the generalization of the PROSPECTOR function into a NeutroFunction, and this problem into an application of NeutroAlgebra


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How to Cite

Silva Jiménez, D., Valenzuela Mayorga, juan A. ., Esther Roja Ubilla, M. ., & Hernández, N. B. . (2021). NeutroAlgebra for the evaluation of barriers to migrants’ access in Primary Health Care in Chile based on PROSPECTOR function. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 39, 1-9.