Neutrosophic Element Res Nullius in Adoption Procedures


  • Mónica Isabel Mora Verdezoto Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, Matriz Ambato
  • José Ignacio Cruz Arboleda Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, Sede Ibarra
  • Carlos Alfredo Medina Riofrio Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, Sede Puyo
  • Víctor Hugo Lucero Salcedo Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, Sede Tulcán


adoption, res nullius, neutrosophy, neutrosophic statistics


Adoption arises to combat homelessness and orphanhood in childhood and adolescence, a social problem that humanity has faced over the years. With the emergence of children adoption regulations, the Ecuadorian State has regulated the adoption process to guarantee the adopter a suitable, permanent, and definitive family. Although much progress has been made at the national level, some obstacles delay the process of the regulatory entities. For this, the present work aims to determine the factors that originate the res nullius element in the adoption process. For the modeling and due to the characteristics of the variable, the use of neutrosophic statistics is necessary. As a result, it is observed that families interested in adopting lack a legal culture about the needs of adopted children. Causes that generate a low knowledge of the regulations due to ignorance or poor training and advice


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How to Cite

Mora Verdezoto, M. I. ., Cruz Arboleda, J. I. ., Medina Riofrio, C. A. ., & Lucero Salcedo, V. H. . (2022). Neutrosophic Element Res Nullius in Adoption Procedures. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 52, 155-164.

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