A New Framework of Interval-valued Neutrosophic in Ẑ -algebra


  • Shanmugapriya K P Saveetha School of Engineering, SIMATS
  • Hemavathi P Saveetha School of Engineering, SIMATS


Fuzzy sets, int_val fuzzy sets, neutrosophic set, Ẑ-subalgebra, int_val Ẑ-subalgebra, neutrosophic Ẑ-subalgebra, int_val neutrosophic Ẑ-subalgebra


This article deals about an interval-valued neutrosophic Ẑ-algebra is a mathematical 
framework which incorporates the concepts of interval-valued neutrosophic sets, Ẑ-algebra and 
algebraic operations. This innovative algebraic structure addresses the challenges posed by 
uncertain, imprecise, and indeterminate information in various fields. In this work, we presented 
the fundamentals of Ẑ-algebra and int_val neutrosophic sets, as well as several of their attributes 
such as homomorphism and cartesian product. 


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How to Cite

Shanmugapriya K P, & Hemavathi P. (2023). A New Framework of Interval-valued Neutrosophic in Ẑ -algebra . Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 60, 300-316. https://fs.unm.edu/nss8/index.php/111/article/view/3767