Another Form of Correlation Coefficient between Single Valued Neutrosophic Sets and Its Multiple Attribute Decision Making Method
A single valued neutrosophic set (SVNS),
which is the subclass of a neutrosophic set, can be
considered as a powerful tool to express the
indeterminate and inconsistent information in the process
of decision making. Then, correlation is one of the most
broadly applied indices in many fields and also an
important measure in data analysis and classification,
pattern recognition, decision making and so on.
Therefore, we propose another form of correlation
coefficient between SVNSs and establish a multiple
attribute decision making method using the correlation
coefficient of SVNSs under single valued neutrosophic
environment. Through the weighted correlation
coefficient between each alternative and the ideal
alternative, the ranking order of all alternatives can be
determined and the best alternative can be easily
identified as well. Finally, two illustrative examples are
employed to illustrate the actual applications of the
proposed decision-making approach.
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