An Improved Framework for Diagnosing Confusable Diseases Using Neutrosophic Based Neural Network
The two major motivations in medical science are to prevent
and diagnose diseases. Diagnosis of disease must be done
with care since it is the first stage of therapeutic actions
towards eventual management of the disease; a mistake at this
stage is disastruous, and such, adequate care must be ensured.
Diagnosis becomes difficult in medical domain due to
influence of medical uncertainties that arises from confusability in disease symptomatic presentation between two
diseases. This confusability of these diseases stems from the
overlaps in the disease symptomatic presentation and has led
to misdiagnosis with various degrees of associated costs and
in worst cases led to death. In this research, we present the
analysis of the existing systems and finally present a
framework for the diagnosis of confusable disease using
neutrosophic-based neural network.
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