A Novel Approach for Pairwise Separation Axioms on Bi-Soft Topology Using Neutrosophic Sets and An Output Validation in Real Life Application


  • Chinnadurai V
  • Sindhu M P


The set that lightens the vagueness stage more energetically than fuzzy sets are
neutrosophic sets. Bi-soft topological space is a space which goes for two different topologies with
certain parameters. This work carries out, construction of such type of topology on neutrosophic.
Besides by means of this, separation axioms are extended to pairwise separation axioms by using
neutrosophic and to analyze the relationship among the class of such spaces. Here some of their
properties are discussed with illustrative examples. In addition to it, we initiate the matrix form of
neutrosophic soft sets in such space. Here problems deal to take a decision in life by the choice of
two different groups. The aim of this decision making problem is to determine the unique thing or
person from the universe by giving marks depending on parameters. Step by step process of
solving the problem is explained in algorithm, also formulae given to determine their values with
illustrative examples


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How to Cite

Chinnadurai V, & Sindhu M P. (2024). A Novel Approach for Pairwise Separation Axioms on Bi-Soft Topology Using Neutrosophic Sets and An Output Validation in Real Life Application. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 35, 435-463. https://fs.unm.edu/nss8/index.php/111/article/view/4012