A multi-criteria fuzzy neutrosophic decision-making model for solving the supply chain network problem


  • Ahteshamul Haq
  • Srikant Gupta
  • Aquil Ahmed


Supply Chain is a multi-objective decision-making problem with multiple conflicting
objective functions related to each supply chain operation and its corresponding sub-criteria. The
main focus of this paper is the development of a model that takes into account some important
components of real-world supply chain planning. To do so, we proposed a supply chain model that
involves multiple suppliers, multiple plants, multiple warehouses, and multiple distributors firms.
This approach is designed to tackle a complex multi-site composite supply chain issue under
uncertainty as a fuzzy multi-objective model with the primary objective to optimize the
transportation cost and delivery time simultaneously. We have used neutrosophical set theory to
tackle the ambiguity related to supply chain by using truth, indeterminacy and falsity membership
functions and, finally neutrosophical compromise programming approach has been used for
obtaining the desired solution. In order to demonstrate the efficiency of the developed models, an
industrial design problems has been given. The findings reported is compared to other well-known


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How to Cite

Ahteshamul Haq, Srikant Gupta, & Aquil Ahmed. (2021). A multi-criteria fuzzy neutrosophic decision-making model for solving the supply chain network problem. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 46, 50-66. https://fs.unm.edu/nss8/index.php/111/article/view/4135