P and R Order of Plithogenic Neutrosophic Cubic sets


  • S.P. Priyadharshini
  • F. Nirmala Irudayam


The paper presents a new concept called P-Order (Union and Intersection) and R- Order
(Union and Intersection) of the Plithogenic Neutrosophic Cubic Sets (PNCS). We derived some of
the primary properties of the internal and external PNCS of P and R- Order. We also proved that
P-Union and P- intersection of Truth (T) (resp. falsity (F), indeterminacy(I)) external PNCS may not
be T (resp. F, I) external PNCS and R-Union and R-intersection of T (resp. F, I) internal PNCS may
not be T (resp. F, I) internal PNCS with the numerical examples. This principle is extremely
appropriate for analyzing problems that involve multi-attribute decision making since this PNCS is
defined by many values of attribute and the reliability of the data is also so accurate.


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How to Cite

S.P. Priyadharshini, & F. Nirmala Irudayam. (2021). P and R Order of Plithogenic Neutrosophic Cubic sets. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 47, 273-285. https://fs.unm.edu/nss8/index.php/111/article/view/4152